Fairs require health certification and vaccines for livestock. In cases of extreme health risk, certain classes of animals are not shown. Most people and kids who display livestock are aware of the health risks.

My advice for people visiting livestock fairs or any large gathering is to use hand sanitizer. Pet a cow but sanitize your hands. Most petting zoos now require visitors to to sanitize their hands. And I always asked visitors to our farm to wash or sanitize hands. This is especially important for young children who touch their face or place their hands in the mouth!

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Vicki -- I really appreciate your comment; I didn't know about the health certification. And am going to do more research to see how/if things are changing with H5N1.

Hand sanitizer is great for removing pathogens from one's hands. Great suggestion.

Any thoughts on preventing diseases that could be spread through the air from animal to human? That's my nightmare!

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