Do you have any data for people who have had covid in terms of reinfection or mortality rates? I understand for those who are not vaccinated the rates are much higher, but I'm curious about those who have some natural immunity and what the effects might be compared with someone who is vaccinated and has not had covid.

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All of the data related to breakthrough infections as well as COVID deaths are being warehoused here -- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covid-net/purpose-methods.html. The weekly Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) is also highlighting data analyses (vaccinated vs. unvaccinated). There is little data about reinfections among unvaccinated individuals with previous COVID infections. There are some studies (showing varying amounts of immunity from a previous infection), but there is not active surveillance for these specific reinfections. One of the reasons is that we cannot link positive COVID tests to a single person (unless someone does it manually). Our surveillance systems and fractured healthcare system do not allow for this time of real-time data analysis.

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