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Here, here, Becky!!! Spot on with your post this week!!! My church, St. Peter Cathedral in Erie is an absolute s$%# show! I have not gone to mass since the pandemic started. They don't require masking or social distancing. Out of all the churches (from what my friend says), they are the worse. I will be again watching mass from the safety of my home.

I think people have, unfortunately, become complacent with the pandemic. I even see it in my husband who is one of "those people" with the attitude of "I am vaxed and boosted I don't need to wear a mask." And even gets mad at me when I tell him we are in a high rate and therefore state mandate states we wear our mask in any indoor situation. It is so sad.

If everyone did what they were told for 3 weeks, our numbers would fall. I can't WAIT for your blog about the new County Executive (idiot) who is doing away with the mas mandate for Erie County schools when he takes office on January 3. I fear for the repercussions from that decision.

Ok, off my soap box for this week.

Thank you for EVERYTHING you do to spread the word (not COVID) about the pandemic. Merry Christmas to you and your family and I really hope Santa (and the world) grants your Christmas Wish!!!


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