I am fully vaccinated but I too continue to wear my mask in stores, etc..... I think it is a good practice since I can't tell who has been vaccinated and who hasn't. I don't know who has covid but isn't showing symptoms. I struggle understanding why those that are not vaccinated, don't feel the need to wear a mask (both adult & children) in a public place where disease can easily spread. The longer people refuse to take care by vaccinating and/or wearing a mask, the longer this pandemic is going to last. What is so hard to understand?

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Thank you so much for this and all the work you have done over the last year and a half. My family too is fully vaccinated yet still masking and cautiously socializing. On top of pandemic fatigue, the sense of being gas lit by this "every man for themselves" or "the pandemic is over" approach to public health that you so eloquently detailed above is exhausting. So my many thanks for being an accesible science based and caring touchstone in these strange times.

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I am fully vaccinated but am covid positive. I found out I was exposed 5 days before symptoms showed but did nothing because we have been told- do nothing until you show symptoms. When the PA dept of health called to do contact tracing, I was told I was contagious 2 days before my symptoms appeared. This is stupid that I exposed numerous people before symptoms appeared like in grocery stores but they don't count, unless as DOH says , there is an uptick. This makes little sense. I wish I had quarantined as soon as I found out I was exposed instead of taking the gamble of seeing if symptoms arise

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It is confusing ..... I wish you well.

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Thank you for everything you have done over the past year & a half

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