Hi Becky, I shared your article and received a message from an individual in Florida. He said the Florida has suspended Covid 19 shots due to possible negative changes to dna. Do you have any info. about this?

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Yes -- long story short is that the FL Surgeon General is spreading misinformation. There is a kernel of truth in what his is saying... that DNA is used to make mRNA vaccines. But he fails to mention that DNA is also used to make other vaccines (or that foreign DNA enters our body every day via food, drink, or the other viruses/bacteria that live in/on us). Additionally, he recommends non-mRNA COVID vaccines that also are made with DNA (similar process to mRNA vaccines). AND THEN he fails to mention that the sequence of impossible events that would have to occur for a nanoparticle/fragment of DNA to enter one of your cells to cause a problem. The whole situation is wrong on so many levels. And an MD PhD using his position of power to spew medical misinformation of this magnitude should cost him his license and reputation, in my opinion.

If you want all the details, I recommend watching this 5-minute clip where Dr. Offit explains just how wrong the surgeon general in FL got it -- https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19vaccine/108145

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I have reviewed Dr. Offit's video and the statement from the Fl Surgeon General and in conclusion, find that all this misinformation (FL Surgeon General) only confuses most of us. I trust you and your opinion. You are so knowledgeable in your field and helped so many during covid. We are not sorry we received any of our covid shots and boosters. We had covid this past April and it was very mild., We believe, it was because of receiving the covid vaccine.. One positive thing from covid is we continue to see people masking and actually staying home if they are sick . Thinking more of the health of others. So thankful of that. We had a young woman from our Church that almost died from covid. She was unable to receive the shot and spent weeks in hospitals. Thank you for all you do for all of us and your community.

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