
If we are high risk and got the phizer booster in Sept do you advise getting a Moderna booster soon?? I’m 61 my son is 18. I’m confused, thanks so much!!!


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The bivalent booster (which is the only type of booster currently available) has only been authorized as a single (one-time) dose. If you have had one bivalent booster, that is it for now. Your immune system has been primed. If you are exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the previous doses of vaccine you have received *should* keep you from developing severe disease and requiring hospitalization. But there is not data to support the practice of getting additional booster shots -- it is not clear that it is safe or that it will help you fight off infection. Once you have maxed out your shots, other steps (masking, limiting time in crowded indoor environments) need to be taken. Right now, COVID is spreading -- it always will -- but there is comparatively less virus around than there was a couple of months ago.

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