Too bad your "my mask protects you and your mask protects me" is a complete LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder why OSHA says PPE is the last defense against hazards??????

I wonder why NIOSH claims a magenta filter cartridge is required to filter out virus particles???????

I wonder why the mask haven't worked yet, IF THEY ARE SO EFFECTIVE !!!!!!!!

I wonder why all the homeless aren't dead from "the virus".

Most of all, I wonder why other PROFESSIONALS don't agree with your LIES?????


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OK Mr. THINK he knows it all. Did you see today that Children's Hospital had to set up tents to handle the amount of kids in the ER??? You are ignorant of the facts and A very selfish . To answer a few of your ridiculous comments.. Masks haven't worked yet because of jerks like you who don't believe in them and are not wearing them! You wonder why the homeless aren't dead.. How do you know some aren't ? From what I know homeless people aren't typically inside either. They are OUTSIDE and probably have more sense than you. I am a PROFESSIONAL and work with many other Professionals in the Healthcare field that do agree with wearing masks. All I can say to you is that when you or your family gets Sick from Covid STAY HOME and take care of yourself.. Don't put our healthcare workers in a position to have to take care of you.

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The thing is, I have no problem with my child occasionally wearing a mask.. on the bus? Sure. Near an immunocompromised child? Sure. But when he’s sitting at his desk for hours in a place where his main goal is to learn… when there’s few if any cases of school students passing it to teachers… have there even been any deaths or hospitalizations from Covid among otherwise healthy school age children in our county? And do you personally have any idea how it may be affecting my child emotionally or physically long term? How can you? And masks are required nowhere else but in schools. Does it make sense to you truly???

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If YOU feel that masking actually helps,(and as a droplet precaution, it does have limited effect), but what negative social adjustmemts, learning barriers and lack of basic human contact are kids alao experiencing by the new Jim Criw laws that have proven failures? From "vaccines" thay only created more transmissible variants to the increase in suicide, depression amd alcohol/drug abuse among our young by half-witted power mongers, one isnt necessarily "asking" to remove masks, they are removing their children. I agree that they should. Between bigots on the board and those who dont have any place to make choices for other people's children? Dont vote, just remove and homeschool/charter your children wjere they arent mentally abused by authoritarian policy.

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Spread love, not covid <3

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Words of wisdom said with such empathy for all. Hope everyone reads this and gives some serious thought to masking their children for their own safety as well as the safety of others.

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JERK is the nicest thing I have to say about you and your selfish attitude.Don't HA HA HA because what goes around comes around and you may be laughing all the way to a ventillator.

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So well said!!! You put these words right as they are so !!! Thank you and sure hope parents listen to you Thank You . Ps you’ll hear a lot of negativity and smart comments don’t pay attention

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Sharon, thank you. Your words about not paying attention were needed this weekend. :)

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